Learn a bit more about us and our offerings
The story of

S S Digital Educational Services

was established on March 2021 to provide a platform to enhance the digital capabilities among the students and teachers.

SEEDI- meaning stairs in Hindi, help to climb-up, elevate and reach newer heights. Seedi, in Kolkata pledges to provide platform to every individual to excel in their profession and passion. A co-working space, conference room and a fully equipped music studio to all the needs of every passionate individual looking for a SPACE.


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Services Provided by SEEDI

music, voice acting, dramatics, sound and audio Engineering through the channel Seedi.in
candidates to develop their skills and personality by specializing and refining them to attain their goals for selfdevelopment and opening up their career opportunities
in getting by enrolled on domestic and international institutions and get them certified based on their needs and aspirations.
enhance their reach to the students where their skills and talent can be shared with ease digitally, while maintaining highest quality.
supporting with audio and visual contents for both online and offline education.

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